Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lunch Contents

Some people have asked, "What were in the lunches that you made?"  So here is a list of the contents:

* Turkey sandwich
* Granola bar
* Apple
* Pair of gloves

It's nothing groundbreaking, but for someone who has doesn't know where their next meal is coming from, it could be a feast.  Here was my shopping list at the grocery store:

* 2 lbs. of turkey
* 1 loaf of wheat bread (contains 20 slices, perfect for 10 sandwiches)
* 1 box of granola bars, 10 ct.
* 10 golden delicious apples
* 2 packages of 6 "jersey gloves" (the simple knit gloves)

The total cost was $30 (that doesn't include the brown paper sacks and plastic sandwich bags I already had).  There are so many commercial slogans that could apply easy a caveman could do it....10 lunches, $30.  Creatively serving 10 people, priceless.

It's simple.  It's fun.  You should do it.  Or you should think of your own unique way to serve the less fortunate and do that!

- Joel


  1. I'm thinking about doing this is Columbia with my small group. It's such a simple and great idea, I really want to do it.

  2. You should definitely do it. You guys should start taking the "10 Lunches Challenge." More info on that later.
