Thursday, February 19, 2009

Mark Your Calendars

A number of people have expressed interest in making another group outing to help feed and clothe the needy in our community.  As result of this response, I'm in the process of planning a second outing, this one for March 21.  If you're in Kansas City and want to be a part of it, just check back here on the blog for more information or email me at  If you're not in Kansas City, we'd love for you to visit and be a part of what is happening here.  Or, you could get out on March 21 and do something in the community in which you live.  We would love to tell your story here on the blog.

That brings me to another point - we would love to tell your story!  If you're doing something in your community to serve others, we want to celebrate that.  Send me your story and we'll post it here on the blog.  Even if it's not your story but a friend's story, let's celebrate that too.  10 Lunches isn't so much about crafting "official" 10 Lunches outings, it's about encouraging others to act and celebrating those actions when they take place.  

I'd love to hear from you.

- Joel

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for planning another 10 lunches event in Kansas City...we will put it on our calendar and check back off and on for more information.
